For bugreport030220.txt (not critical) This is caused by the incorrect image setting in SudokuFieldAction.processValue() To fix it, line 71 should be button.setIcon(FieldImage.icons[value-1]); instead of button.setIcon(FieldImage.icons[value]); This is a logical issue and it can be most easily found by reading the project log: In Sudoku World 1.7 update it is mentioned that SudokuFrame.createButtonGrid() and SudokuFieldAction.processValue() were changed. However, in Sudoku World 1.7.1 bugfix, SudokuFrame.createButtonGrid() is fixed, but SudokuFieldAction.processValue() was forgotten, although the same fix is needed. For bugreport040220.txt (not critical) This is caused by the incorrect mapping between the message in SudokuFieldAction.actionPerformed() and the order of elements in FieldImage.icons array. The array elements are in this order: [sun, cow, football, house, keanu, rain, rudolph, superwoman, tree] But the message says they are in this order: [cow, football, house, keanu, rain, rudolph, sun, superwoman, tree] Both re-ordering the array elements and changing the message are appropriate fixes. Furthermore, this issue is also affected by the same problem as bugreport030220.txt For bugreport070220.txt (critical) has a line mistakenly commented out in sample5, which makes it crash Removing the comment (but keeping the numbers) is enough to solve the issue For bugreport080220.txt (unhelpful bug report) Cannot tell because the bug report has too little information For bugreport090220.txt (not critical - doesn't crash, but actually functionality is mostly broken, so important) Line 50 in SudokuFieldAction.actionPerformed() should say value >= GameGrid.MIN_VAL && value <= GameGrid.MAX_VAL instead of value <= GameGrid.MIN_VAL && value >= GameGrid.MAX_VAL (the less/greater than signs are swapped). This issue was introduced in Sudoku World 1.9.1 and can be easily traced back from the project log. For bugreport110220.txt (critical) SampleGameData class has called the field sample22 instead of sample2 (likely typo) For bugreport210120.txt (outdated) Fixed in Sudoku World 1.7.1 as indicated in project log For bugreport220120.txt (outdated) Fixed in Sudoku World 1.8 as indicated in project log For bugreport240120.txt (unhelpful bug report) Cannot tell because the bug report has too little information For bugreport290120.txt (outdated) This is actually not a bug report but a feature request It was implemented in Sudoku World 1.9 as indicated in the project log