theory Locales_Lecture imports Main begin text\Groups defined abstractly in terms of an operator mult and a unit\ locale group = fixes mult :: "'a\'a\'a" and unit::'a assumes left_unit : "mult unit x = x" and associativity : "mult x (mult y z) = mult (mult x y) z" and left_inverse : "\y. mult y x = unit" thm group_def (* The following theorem is provided automatically by Isabelle to reason about locale *) thm text\We can easily show that the integers under addition and with unit/identity 0 are an instance of a group\ interpretation int_group: group "(+)" "0::int" apply (rule apply simp apply simp using diff_add_cancel by blast text\An "abstract" notion of a finite graph\ locale finitegraph = fixes edges :: "('a\'a)set" and vertices::"'a set" assumes finite_vertex_set : "finite vertices" and is_graph : "(u, v) \ edges \ u \ vertices \ v \ vertices" begin (* Note that we can tell Isabelle's simplifier about 2 of the rules using [simp]. More on this later in the course. *) inductive walk:: "'a list \ bool" where Nil[simp] : "walk []" |Singleton [simp] : "v \ vertices \ walk [v]" |Cons : "(v,w)\edges \ walk(w#vs) \ walk(v#w#vs)" lemma walk_edge: assumes "(v,w) \ edges" shows "walk [v,w]" proof - have "w \ vertices" using assms is_graph by presburger then show ?thesis by (simp add: assms walk.Cons) qed definition connected :: "'a \ 'a \ bool" (infixl "\\<^sup>*" 60) where "connected v w \ \xs. walk xs \ xs \ Nil \ hd xs = v \ last xs = w" end (* We can examine the definition of the locale and any lemma proven (whether explicitly or implicitly) inside it. For example: *) thm finitegraph_def thm "finitegraph.walk_edge" thm "finitegraph.walk.Singleton" (* An induction principle was proven automatically for our finite graphs*) thm "finitegraph.walk.induct" text\Extending the finite graphs locale to one about weighted finite graphs\ locale weighted_finitegraph = finitegraph + fixes weight :: "('a \ 'a) \ nat" assumes edges_weighted: "\e\edges. \w. weight e = w" thm finitegraph_def thm weighted_finitegraph_def [unfolded weighted_finitegraph_axioms_def] text\We can define a concrete graph and show that it is an instance of our finite graph. In this case, we just go for the graph with a single vertex "1" and an edge "(1,1)" to itself.\ interpretation singleton_finitegraph: finitegraph "{(1,1)}" "{1}" proof show "finite {1}" by simp next fix u v assume "(u, v) \ {(1::'a, 1::'a)}" then show "u \ {1} \ v \ {1}" by blast qed (* We can "peek" into our instance: *) term singleton_finitegraph.connected term singleton_finitegraph.walk (* The definitions and theorems are now available for the locale instance. For example: *) thm singleton_finitegraph.connected_def thm singleton_finitegraph.walk_edge thm singleton_finitegraph.walk.Singleton thm singleton_finitegraph.walk.induct text\We can make the concrete singleton_finitegraph an instance of the weighted_finitegraph locale by providing a weight function e.g. the one that associates a weight "1" to any edge.\ interpretation singleton_finitegraph: weighted_finitegraph "{(1,1)}" "{1}" "\(u,v). 1" by (unfold_locales) simp (* The walk_edge theorem is still available *) thm singleton_finitegraph.walk_edge (* The weighted edges assumption instantiated with our single edge graph (yielding a trivial property)*) thm singleton_finitegraph.edges_weighted