theory ND_Lecture imports Main begin section\Natural Deduction Rules for Propositional Logic\ text\You can lookup the statement of a theorem/lemma using the "thm" command. You would not leave these as part of your theory file usually.\ (* Conjunction *) thm conjunct1 thm conjunct2 thm conjI (* Disjunction *) (* Implication *) thm impI thm mp thm impE (* If and only if *) thm iffI thm iffD1 thm iffD2 (* Not *) thm FalseE thm notI thm notE (* Classical *) thm excluded_middle thm ccontr theorem K: "A \ B \ A" oops lemma "\A; B \ \ A" apply assumption done lemma "\ A; B; C \ \ (A \ B) \ D" apply (rule disjI1) apply (rule conjI) apply assumption+ done (* This is not such a nice Isabelle proof: it's mostly for illustrating some of the basic ND rules in action *) lemma "((Sunny \ Rainy) \ \ Sunny) \ Rainy" apply (rule impI) apply (frule conjunct1) apply (erule disjE) apply (drule conjunct2) apply (erule notE) apply assumption apply assumption done (* A "nicer" one using ConjE *) lemma "((Sunny \ Rainy) \ \ Sunny) \ Rainy" apply (rule impI) apply (erule conjE) apply (erule disjE) apply (erule notE) apply assumption apply assumption done (* A structured proof -- note the naming of the assumption. More on this style of proof later in the course *) lemma "((Sunny \ Rainy) \ \ Sunny) \ Rainy" proof (rule impI) assume SRS: "(Sunny \ Rainy) \ \ Sunny" from SRS have "Sunny \ Rainy" by (rule conjunct1) then show "Rainy" proof assume S: "Sunny" from SRS have "\ Sunny" by (rule conjunct2) then show "Rainy" using S by (rule notE) next assume "Rainy" then show "Rainy" . qed qed