theory HoareLogic imports Main "~~/src/HOL/Hoare/Hoare_Logic" begin (* The minimum of two integers x and y: *) lemma Min: "VARS (z :: int) {True} IF x \ y THEN z := x ELSE z := y FI { z = min x y }" oops (* Iteratively copy an integer variable x to y: *) lemma Copy: "VARS (a :: int) y {0 \ x} a := x; y := 0; WHILE a \ 0 INV { Inv } DO y := y + 1 ; a := a - 1 OD {x = y}" (* "Replace Inv with your invariant." *) oops (* Iterative multiplication through addition: *) lemma Multi: "VARS (a :: int) z {0 \ y} a := 0; z := 0; WHILE a \ y INV { Inv } DO z := z + x ; a := a + 1 OD {z = x * y}" (* "Replace Inv with your invariant." *) oops (* A factorial algorithm: *) lemma DownFact: "VARS (z :: nat) (y::nat) {True} z := x; y := 1; WHILE z > 0 INV { Inv } DO y := y * z; z := z - 1 OD {y = fact x}" (* "Replace Inv with your invariant." *) oops (* Integer division of x by y: *) lemma Div: "VARS (r :: int) d {y \ 0} r := x; d := 0; WHILE y \ r INV { Inv } DO r := r - y; d := d + 1 OD { Postcondition }" (* "Replace Inv with your invariant." *) (* "Replace Postcondition with your postcondition." *) oops end