IRR: Robotics

Robotics (specifically legged robots)

What is your programme area?

Robotics, (more specifically legged robotics)

What differentiates the sub-area from the other programmes on the Informatics MSc portfolio?

Robotics is primarily an applicative field, at the intersection between mechatronics, computer vision, optimal control theory and data sciences. Virtually every course offered by the school of informatics can find an application in robotics, from artificial intelligence to natural language processing, with algorithms playing a preponderant role. When considering legged robotics, computer animation and robotics research appear closely related. The numerous applications of robotics also involve   The roboticist proposes models that explain a physical phenomenon. The challenge is to propose a model accurate enough to represent a complex reality, yet simple enough to solve problems efficiently. In summary robotics research is driven by the need to “make it work” on the robot, or in simulation. As a result, the need for efficient, open-source software commonly used by the community is critical.

Are there go-to sources to find reviews and perspectives on these research topics. i.e. are there any good review journals that are worth browsing to get topic overviews.

IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine

What are the key journals or conferences in the field for finding high quality research papers in these topics?



Are there any particular high profile or rapidly growing research areas in the programme that you would suggest might be worth looking at for potential IRR themes?

  • Differentiable simulations. Physical models of the world that allow derivation, making them compatible with machine learning techniques and non linear numerical optimisation.
  • Versatile manufacturing including 3D printing 
  • Combinatorial problems (such as footstep planning) and legged robots (quadrupeds prominently) in general.
  • Orbiting robotics. 
  • Drones


Contributers: S Tonneau

Last update 13 October 2021


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