Privacy & Cookies

This site (Informatics Open Course Materials) operates within the framework of the University of Edinburgh Privacy statement. In addition, the site privacy notice follows.

The site collects as little personal information as possible from the majority of its viewers:

  • Drupal, the site software, sets a session cookie to help its operation. This is typically removed when you close your browser.
  • Drupal also optionally sets first-party cookies for the purpose of storing preferences. These are not used to track or associate you with any identity, and deleting them will remove this stored information.
  • The server(s) operating this site keep logs for system administration purposes which includes maintaining the security and integrity of the site. These logs contain personally-identifying information such as IP address and potentially identifying information such as browser user-agent information and are used only in aggregate for statistical purposes and for maintaining the integrity of the system.
  • While the site is in early development (and until this notice is removed) some pages on this site will result in your browser being directed to download compiled MathJax libraries directly from its CDN (content delivery network). This means that the MathJax privacy statement applies (and though this is a highly restrictive policy, we cannot endorse or verify it).  You can opt out of this third-party service by disabling JavaScript for this site, or using content blockers to specifically prevent its use.

If you are a content editor, you will additionally require:

  • Upstream authentication cookies from the University EASE single-sign on system. You must already have accepted these to use this service. 

If you fill in a form on this site, the information you provide will be processed by the site and University according to any description on that form.