SDM: Week 10

Topic: The future of software engineering

The End


Watch this talk on Sirius Web: given at EclipseCon 2020. Sirius is one of the most serious industrial-strength platforms for defining and supporting graphical domain-specific modelling languages. The lectures have talked about this in rather abstract terms: I want now to give you a flavour of what it is like in practice, both the good and the bad, both the technical and the organisational issues. So the material of this video is not directly examinable, by which I mean that I will not ask you about what is an odesign file, or how to make a Sirius project - but I do expect that watching this talk will help you to understand the earlier material, including their examinable material, better than you might otherwise. So do watch it please!


Q&A: as we decided at an earlier Q&A, we will NOT meet on Friday of week 10. Instead, we'll have a revision session in Teams near to the time of the final exam. I'll put up a poll to find a good time for that, once the time of the exam is known (the timetable is due to be published on March 7th - I have no involvement in that choice, it's entirely centralised).


Optional : My inaugural lecture, What has mathematics to do with software engineering? (An inaugural lecture is a lecture given by an academic who becomes a Professor, to celebrate that fact. Most of it should be generally accessible, as friends and family attend; at the same time, it has a serious purpose in explaining what kind of work one does. Anyone in the university is welcome to attend any inaugural lecture and they are well worth looking out for! This is a video of a practice of mine.)





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