NLU-11: Week 8

This week we have two lectures on ethics and one on evaluation of large language models and alignment. 

There will a tutorial on ethics this week. Please prepare answers to the following questions before your tutorial group meets:

Tutorial 3: Ethics in NLP

As a reminder, Coursework 2 has been issued and is due on Friday 21 March at 12:00 noon.

Also, the lab for next week has been released. This is a lab on prompting with GPT-3.5. It even includes a small competition on who can develop the best performing prompt on a small data set! Please note you will need an OpenAI key to run this lab; please obtain this before you attend your lab session, instructions can be found in the lab itself.

Lab 4: Prompting with GPT-3.5

SlidesLectureCourse Content

Required reading:

Additional reading (not examinable):

Homework: Do one of the implicit bias tests on


Required reading:

Additional reading (not examinable):


Required reading: 

Language Models are Few-Shot Learners Brown et al. 2020 (Sections 1,2) 

Chain-of-Thought Prompting Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models Wei et al. 2022 (Section 1,2,3) 


Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Reasoners Kojima et al. 2022

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