Week 8 - Biological Network Analysis

This week we will be looking at networks and how they can be used to help us study biological systems. We will be using protein-protein interaction, gene expression, and literature networks as exemplars. We will also learn some of the fundamentals of how networks are created and analysed. Additional optional reading for the week is available in the course resource list.

Lecture 8 - Biological Network Analysis

The lecture slides for Week 8 - Biological Network Analysis" are available here.

The video of the lecture is available from the GitHub video area here.

Reading Lists & Resources

Each week we will have an accompanying reading list with some articles & web-sites for self study to support the course. You can find the course "Resource List" - here. We will continue to curate the list throughout the course especially if things pop up in the lectures and practicals that we want to add a reference or link to so do please check back in on the list from time to time.

Cover image for the textbook by Pevsner

We have generally tried to identify resources as "Essential", "Recommended" or "Further Reading" in an attempt to help you prioritise your reading during the course.

Finally a very important time to draw your attention to what you can consider the "core text" for the course, which is the excellent "Bioinformatics & Functional Genomics" Third Edition by Jonathan Pevsner. You will be pleased to know that this text-book is available free online as part of the University's subscription portfolio. You can find it right at the top of the resource list. If you have any problems accessing or using any of the above please do drop us a comment in the Discussion forum and we will try to get things resolved as soon as possible.

- Xiaoke Ma, Lin Gao. Biological network analysis: insights into structure and functions. Briefings in Functional Genomics, Volume 11, Issue 6, November 2012, Pages 434–442 https://doi.org/10.1093/bfgp/els045 - Analysis of Biological Networks

- Junker, Björn H., and Falk. Schreiber. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley-Interscience, 2008 Chapters 1,2 and 9 (protein-protein interactions, esp. sections 9.3 and 9.4)

These are available via the course resource list.

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