CDI1: Assessment

Assessment TypePercentage of Final Mark
Written Exam0%
Practical exam0%

Coursework for CDI1 is broken down into the following two major assignments - CW1 and CW2 - with multiple components in each: 


CW1.1: Searching for and selecting two research papers that represent different approaches or methods for conducting design research or "design thinking", and writing a short (up to 300 word) comparison of these. This will be a pass/fail assignment. Due: 11th October 2024.

CW1.2: A 1000 word report that reflects on an ethical, legal, social, or design aspect(s) of a data-driven technology in relation to a relevant design informatics application domain. Due: 9th December 2024.


CW2.1: Option 1: A four page design document that outlines materials that will be used to conduct a design research study in a chosen design informatics application domain, a one-page plan for how the materials will be used in a project, and a 500 word reflection describing the rationale for decisions. Option 2: A written report of 1500 words that describes how a design research study might help you generate novel insights when used in a chosen design informatics application domain, and a 500 word plan for how you would this study in a project that is exploring this domain. Due: 10th January 2025.

CW2.2: Weekly engagement via a course reflective diary. Due: Weekly.

Formative feedback will be through class interaction.

Full details of each coursework component are provided in the Course Handbook, and will be further elaborated on in lectures and assignment brief documents.

Feedback and Grades

Feedback will be accessed via Learn, with collective feedback provided by the lecturers in class.

Please be aware that grades located within Learn are provisional until these have been confirmed by the exam board, at which point they will be available via EUCLID.

Marking Scheme

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