EPL: Assessment

The information on this page is a summary only; please see the coursework planner for exact deadlines and details.  The official coursework handouts, deadlines and submission systems will be handled using Learn.  All coursework should be submitted via Learn

  • Assignment 1: Introduction to Scala.  
    Available: Week 2
    Due: Week 3
  • Assignment 2: A simple interpreter and typechecker
    Available: Week 3
    Due: Week 6
  • Assignment 3
    Available: Week 6
    Due: Week 10



The exam for EPL will be in the December exam diet.  Please check your personalized examination timetable or the central University exam timetable to confirm the date/time and location.

A mock example with a sample solution are available.  Some past exam papers (without sample solutions) are also available.  Future exams may reuse questions, or use similar but different questions, as well as adopting different styles of questions.  EPL exams are typically closed book but an exam supplement containing inference rules is provided that includes all rules that may be needed to answer questions about constructing derivations (i.e. memorization of rules is not required, but  understanding of how to use them is).  Note also that some questions might ask you to design new rules that cover novel situations.


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