Course team

The full list of people teaching and supporting FDS are on the Course Contacts page in Learn. Here we introduce the course lecturers and teaching assistants.

David SterrattDavid Sterratt is a Lecturer in the School of Informatics, with research interests in computational neuroscience - understanding how parts of the brain and the central nervous system work by modelling the physics and biochemistry of cells and tissue. He is co-author of a textbook on computational neuroscience and maintains a number of R packages. In his spare time he helps to run a community news website, and listens to the excellent BBC More or Less programme to keep up to date with data science in the news.

Kobi GalKobi Gal is a Reader in the School of informatics. He is interested in all that is Artificial Intelligence for the social good, especially in the design of intelligent tools to help students learn and teachers to understand and support their learning. He loves hill-running and running in Scotland.



Wenda LiWenda Li is a lecturer in hybrid AI at the University of Edinburgh and a visiting research fellow at the University of Cambridge. Prior to this, he was a research associate and a PhD student working with Prof. Larry Paulson at the University of Cambridge. His research interests include machine learning for theorem proving, interactive theorem proving, verified symbolic computing, and mechanised mathematics.


Narges RohaniNarjes Rohani is a Teaching Assistant on the course. She is also a PhD candidate in Precision Medicine, where she applies data science algorithms to analyse the behaviour of Health Data Science students to facilitate HDS education. Prior to her PhD, she worked on several projects involving the use of Data Science to analyse biological data. In her spare time, she takes photographs, watches movies and writes poetry.

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