INF2-IADS: 2024-25


Welcome to Informatics 2 - Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures

It's great to have you on the course this year! We are Mary Cryan and John Longley from the School of Informatics, and we're looking forward to teaching you about Algorithms and Data Structures. We have a large class this year with over 300 students. This OpenCourse site will be the main source for all information and materials relating to the course.

Here's a short video (past lecturer Aris presenting) on how to access the material for the course: Accessing the Materials Video

More information on this year's course will be appearing here in the next few days.  Our first semester 2 lecture is currently scheduled for 10am on Tuesday 14 January, in G03, 50 George Square.  

For Semester 2, lectures are scheduled to take place on Tuesdays at 10am in G03, 50 George Square (Weeks 1-10), and on Fridays at 1pm in LT A, 40 George Square (Weeks 1-5). 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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