INF2-IADS: Course Information, Semester 1

This page contains information relating to lectures, Q&A sessions, tutorials, labs and quizzes in Semester 1. For courseworks, see the Assessment page.

Lectures: In Semester 1, lectures will take place as follows:

  • Tuesdays (Weeks 1-10) at 9:00-9:50, in Assembly Hall, New College
  • Thursdays (Weeks 1-5) at 10:00-10:50, at George Aikman Lecture Theatre, George Square

The Tuesday lecture was originally scheduled for 10am, however there had been an oversight and the theatre was not booked for us.  For that reason we have been shifted to 9am. 

To view the lectures by livestream, or to watch the recordings later, please use the Lecture Recordings link in Learn; you will need to log in using your EASE account. Slides from each lecture will appear in the Course Schedule. 

Pre-recorded video lectures (from previous years):

In the Course Schedule you will also find pre-recorded video lectures from previous years. The pre-recorded lectures cover the same content as the live ones, but with minor differences.

We would recommend that you use these pre-recorded lectures only as an addition (and not as a substitute) to the live ones. Still, they can be very useful!

Tutorials: These 2-hour tutorials will take place in Weeks 3,4,6,8,10 of Semester 1. The problem sheet for each tutorial will be added to the schedule below on the Thursday before the week of the tutorial, and the solutions will be added shortly after the tutorials have taken place.

We are trying a new structure for tutorials this year - the tutorials will consist of 1 hour of students co-working on the tutorial sheet (with tutors available for advice) followed by a 2nd hour where solutions are presented to the room.  These will be bigger groups (with students split into tables) held in the large LG.07 Teaching Studio at 40 George Square Lower Teaching Hub.

Lab sessions: In Semester 1, these will be offered as optional drop-in sessions during Weeks 2 and 4 (to provide help with the Python lab sheets) and Weeks 6,7,8 (for help with Coursework 1). The week pattern will be the same for semester 2, for similar reasons.  All lab sessions (both semesters) will be in Appleton Tower 4.12, with a lab demonstrator present to offer help (the demonstrators will be Year 4 or Year 3 UG students). 

For semester 1, the times of the sessions during these weeks are as follows:

  1. Monday 11:10-12:00
  2. Monday 16:10 - 17:00
  3. Wednesday 11:10-12:00.
  4. Wednesday 16:10-17:00.

Python lab sheets: These are provided for you to work through at your own pace. Even if you are already fluent in Python, you should take the time to work through these, as the examples are designed to reinforce concepts from the lectures, and there is some important course content relating to data structures within Python itself. We recommend that you work through Sheet 1, Sheet 2, and Sheet 3 in Weeks 1, 2, and 3 respectively. 

You may find you are able to work through these entirely by yourself, but if you would like some help with them, this will be available at the lab sessions in Weeks 2 and 4.

Quizzes: There will be six online quizzes throughout the year, three in each semester, to enable you to check whether you're keeping up with the course material.  The first quiz is for practice only, the other five carry 2% each of the course mark.  These will be online multiple-choice quizzes with 20 questions, to be done in a 1-hour period of your choosing within a 5-day window.

The deadlines for the three Semester 1 quizzes will be as follows:

  • Quiz 0 (practice only): Monday 7 October [Sem 1 Week 4]
  • Quiz 1: Monday 28 October [Sem 1 Week 7]
  • Quiz 2: Monday 25 November [Sem 1 Week 11]

All deadlines are at 12 noon. In each case, we'll release the quiz 5 days before the date shown above. More information on how to access each quiz, and on its possible contents, will be provided when we release it.


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