TTDS: Labs


Doing labs in compulsory, but attending labs is optional. Labs will run in a self-learning and online/in-person support fashion as follows:

  • After each lecture on Wednesday, related lab will be announced and posted online.
  • Students will be responsible to start implementing lab directly on their own at home (or on DICE machines). If they have any related question to the lab, they should post it on Piazza and tag their question that it is related to which lab
  • Demonstrators will be responsible to answer questions related to labs on Piazza. Other students are welcome to provide answers as well.
  • Please check that your question has not been asked already by another student before posting yours
  • A thread called "answers of Lab X" will be posted on Piazza so students can share their output of the lab.
  • By the next Tuesday, if some students still need some help in their lab, you can then drop in to one of our labs, where demonstrators can answer your questions.
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