TTDS: Lab 6
Based on lectures 15 and 16.
- Download and unzip the two mystery corpora.
- Each corpus contains posts from a single subcommunity on ("subreddit").
- The boundaries between posts are not obvious in the files. You can split the contents on empty lines, treating each paragraph as a separate document.
- Apply preprocessing: tokenization, stopping, case folding, stemming.
- You can reuse your lab 1 code.
- You should also remove any strings that appear less than 10 times across both corpora.
- Now you should find the most distinctive words for each corpus.
- Write code in any programming language to compute Mutual Information (MI) and Chi-squared (X2) values for all words in each corpus.
- You can ignore words that appear less than 10 times overall.
- Hint: if you compute N00, N01, N11, and N10 (as described in the lecture) once for each word-corpus pair, you can use these numbers to quickly get both MI and X2.
- Produce a sorted list of words by MI and X2 for each corpus.
- Examine the top ten MI words and top ten X2 words for each corpus.
- Discuss with a friend:
- What are the differences you noticed between the two methods?
- What did you learn about each corpus by analyzing these lists?
- Install the gensim (follow this link) python library.
- see section titled “Quick Install”.
- Note: you can pass the “--user” flag to pip to install a package to your home directory instead of doing a system-wide install.
- Treating each blank line in each corpus file as the start of a new document,
- train an LDA model with 10 topics on these documents as described here.
- See “Usage Examples”: follow the steps in the first block of code.
- common_texts should be a list of your documents in this list-of-lists format:
- [ [‘this’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘sample’, ‘document’] , [‘this’, ‘is’, ‘another’] ]
- Use your preprocessed, tokenized text with stopwords removed.
- Using the get_document_topics() function of the lda model object, get the topic scores for each document, then compute overall topic probabilities for each corpus by averaging the topic probabilities for all documents belonging to each corpus.
- Determine the top 3 topics for each corpus based on overall probability.
- View the top 10 words for these topics using the print_topic()
- If you have extra time, try changing the number of topics and running lda again to see what happens, or try creating a visualization of your topics using pyLDAvis!
- [ [‘this’, ‘is’, ‘a’, ‘sample’, ‘document’] , [‘this’, ‘is’, ‘another’] ]
- train an LDA model with 10 topics on these documents as described here.
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