DICE-UG: What computers can I use?
Student labs: The school has computing labs which you can use. They're in Appleton Tower and they have desktop computers running DICE Linux. Your timetabled lab sessions will be in these labs.
Important: Please do NOT shut down or unplug the machines in the labs - we run updates during the night on them and if they are off they won't get those updates and won't work properly. Thank you!
General purpose servers: The school has a number of servers that you can use. You can use some of them to login from home. Others can be used for intensive computing.
University servers: There are also large University compute servers. You can usually gain access to these for your 4th year project.
See also the Remote Working section of this course.
Good practice
We have a good practice guide which tells you how to use Informatics computers considerately. In particular, crypto-mining is a breach of the University Computing Regulations and will be punished! (It's also environmentally disastrous and bad for your fellow users.)