USEC: Lecture 9: Research Framework
Lecture Slides
See attaced file
Reading for the lecture:
- Cranor, L.F., 2008. A framework for reasoning about the human in the loop.
- Almuhimedi, H., Felt, A.P., Reeder, R.W. and Consolvo, S., 2014. Your reputation precedes you: History, reputation, and the chrome malware warning. In 10th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2014) (pp. 113-128).
- (Blog) Habib, H., Zou, Y., Yao, Y., Acquisti, A., Cranor, L., Reidenberg, J., Sadeh, N. and Schaub, F., 2021, May. Toggles, dollar signs, and triangles: How to (in) effectively convey privacy choices with icons and link texts. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-25).
- (Blog) Guardian - UK’s AI Safety Institute ‘needs to set standards rather than do testing’
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