Week number | Lecture number in week | Reading All documents and books can be found in the Resource List (link in right-hand menu and on Learn) |
1 | 1 | Recommended: |
2 | Essential: - On software engineering activities: Sommerville SE* Chapter 2 section 2.2.
- On software projects and software products and their engineering: Sommerville ESP* Chapter 1 up to 1.1.
- On software development processes (overview): Sommerville SE Chapter 2 until 2.2
- On intro to agile software development processes (and comparison with plan-driven): Sommerville ESP Chapter 2 up to 2.2.
- An excellent overview of processes by Ian Sommerville
Recommended: |
3 | Essential: Recommended: - A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston - Chapter 1: Short Arguments: Some General Rules
- ACM Code of Ethics - Principles 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
2 | 1 | Essential: - SWEBOK V4, Chapter 1, Software Requirements.
- Sommerville SE*, Part 1 chapter on Requirements Engineering.
- Browse for definitions of different non-functional requirements. You may want to start from Wikipedia.
2 | Essential: - Sommerville SE*. Use Cases discussed are both in Requirements and System Modeling chapters. Look up Use Cases in index to find the relevant sections.
- Stevens, Chapter 7.
3 | Essential: - On RE in agile vs. plan-driven: Sommerville SE* Chapter 3 up until 3.1
- On scaling up agile (i.e. using it for large systems): Sommerville SE* Chapter 3 Section 3.4 until 3.4.3
- On RE in software product engineering: Sommerville ESP* Chapter 3
Recommended: - The rest of Sommerville SE* Chapter 3 Section 3.
3 | 1 | Essential: - Sommerville ESP* Chapter 4
- Sommerville SE* 6.1, 6.3.3
2 | None (guest lecture) |
3 | Essential: - Professional issues in information technology by Frank Bott
- Chapter 3: What is an Organisation?,
- Chapter 4: Structure and Management
Recommended: - A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston, Chapter 5: Arguments about Causes
- ACM Code of Ethics, Principles 2.4 - 2.7
4 | 1 | 1) For Part 1: Essential: Stevens Chapter 1 section 1.3 Recommended: return to any mentions of cohesion, coupling, abstraction, encapsulation, separation of interface and implementation, decomposition from your Inf1B course. Suggested: SWEBOK V4 Ch3 for an overview of the field of software design 2) For Part 2: All from Stevens: Recommended: Ch 2: Object concepts Essential: - Ch 3: Introductory case study 3, until section 3.5
- Ch 5: Essentials of class models, until section 5.6
- Ch 6: More on class models sections 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.2, 6.6
2 | Essential: - Stevens Ch 9: Essentials of sequence diagrams
- Stevens Ch 10: section 10.1, for conditional and iterative behaviour
Recommended: At least one of: |
3 | Recommended: Read about design patterns in general, e.g. Essential: Read more on this lecture's design patterns until they are completely clear: |
5 | 1 | None (guest lecture) |
2 | Read more on this lecture's design patterns until they are completely clear: Read on design in different software development processes: Recommended: |
3 | ProP - Essential: Professional issues in information technology by Frank Bott, Chapter 11: Intellectual Property Rights, Chapter 12: Software Contracts and Licences A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston, Chapter 3: Arguments by Analogy |
6 | 1 | Essential: Search on Google and read/watch some introductory Javadoc tutorials. For a complete reference of the notation, see https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase/javadoc-tool.html, and for using JavaDoc in IntelliJ see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/javadocs.html. Recommended: |
2 | On version control: Essential: On build tools:
3 | Same as in Week 5. |
7 | 1 | Essential: Recommended: |
2 | Essential: - SWEBOK V4 Ch 5, on Software Testing
Sommerville SE Ch 8
Recommended: Stevens Ch 19 |
3 | None |
8 | 1 | Essential: Recommended: |
2 | Recommended: Sommerville SE Chapter 9: "Software maintenance" |
3 | None |
9 | 1 | For part 1: Essential: Recommended if you can get a copy of the book: Lisa Crispin: "Agile Testing: A Practical Guide For Testers And Agile Teams" Chapter 1. For part 2: Essential: - Sommerville SE Chapter 2 only introduction and section 2.1
Recommended: Browse the web to learn more about the: |
2 | On XP: Essential : Browse through this useful tutorial on Extreme Programming: http://www.extremeprogramming.org/ Recommended : Sommerville ESP Chapter 2 Section 2.2 On Scrum:
Essential : The Scrum Guide: download from https://scrumguides.org/index.html Recommended : Sommerville ESP Chapter 2 Section 2.3 On Kanban:
Essential: This YouTube video and related videos are a great introduction to Kanban: https://youtu.be/iVaFVa7HYj4 Essential: The Kanban Guide: download from https://kanbanguides.org/ Essential: "Revisiting the Principles and General Practices of the Kanban Method" by David J Anderson: https://djaa.com/revisiting-the-principles-and-general-practices-of-the-kanban-method/ Recommended: Kanban Guide for Scrum Teams: download from https://www.scrum.org/resources/kanban-guide-scrum-teams Recommended: This YouTube JIRA tutorial for Kanban boards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT9wIFztYeA Recommended: This YouTube Trello tutorial for Kanban boards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_73PkR3XlI |
3 | None |
10 | 1 | Recommended: Sommerville SE Chapter 11 on Reliability Engineering, until section 11.3 |
2 | Essential: - Sommerville ESP Chapter 7 on Security and Privacy
- Sommerville SE Chapter 13 on Security Engineering introduction and sections 13.1 and 13.4
Recommended: the rest of the Sommerville SE Chapter 13 on Security Engineering |
3 | Standards have no associated reading material - no reading necessary |