SCSD: Assessment
Please see the Learn site of this course for information on coursework, including deadlines. All coursework should also be submittted via Learn.
Coursework documents will be posted on the LEARN page at the start of the course. These include the coursework specification and supporting documents. In addition, the marking scheme will be made available and as part of the course you will self-assess your coursework.
There is one coursework which involves the development of wiki pages that assess the standards relevant to some software of your choice (there is a fallback choice if you can't think of anything relevant). The deadline for the assessment is 12:00 on Monday 22 April (note this is in the revision period but the course will end in week 9 of semester 2 so you can submit any time after that).
In addition, associated with each learning outcome there will be a quiz, each taking approximately one hour to complete. Quizzes will be available from 0800-2000 on the Thursday of weeks 3 (LO 1), 5 (LO 2), 7 (LO3), and 9 (LO 4). If, for any reason, you cannot attempt a quiz, you will be offered an opportunity at an alternative time. The quizzes will be marked on a PASS/FAIL basis. Although the quizzes do not contribute to the grade for the course, they do contribute to the grading process. The marking scheme is structured by the learning outcomes for the course with each learning outcome contributing 25% of the final mark. If a student has passed the quiz for a particular learning outcome, the minimum mark that can be returned for that learning outcome is 10%. So if a student has passed all of the quizzes they are guaranteed to have 40% - a minimal pass for the course.