CGGS: Coursework


Please see the Learn site of this course for information on coursework, including deadlines. All coursework should also be submitted via Learn.


Coursework Files

Coursework 0 - Geometry and Simulation with C++, Eigen, and Polyscope


Coursework 1 (Geometry) - Reconstruction from Point Clouds
(Released 3/Feb/2025, due date: 3/Mar/2025, 12:00)


Coursework 1 (Simulation) - Rigid-Body Simulation
(Released 3/Feb/2025, due date: 3/Mar/2025, 12:00)


Coursework 2 (Geometry) - Discrete Analysis and Parameterization

(Released 4/Mar/2025, due date 28/Mar/2025 ,12:00)


Coursework 2 (Simulation) - Soft-Body Simulation

(Released 4/Mar/2025, due date 28/Mar/2025 ,12:00)


Coursework 3 - Debugging Geometry

(Released 24/Mar/2025, due data 21/Apr/2025, 12:00)

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