DISS: MSc Dissertation (Informatics)
The project is an essential component of the Masters courses. It is a substantial piece of full-time independent work starting in June. A dissertation describing the work must be submitted by a deadline in mid-August.
Students are expected to stay in Edinburgh for the duration of their degree programme. This includes during the writing of the MSc dissertation until the submission deadline. If you are on a Tier 4 visa and leave the country for an extended period of time, the School is obligated to contact Student Immigration Service who will notify UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI).) See MSc handbook.
All dates are set for 12:00 (noon).
Date | Deadline / event |
4/12/2023 | DPMT system opens for MSc project proposals. |
19/1/2024 | Deadline for all project proposals (including self-proposed projects). |
26/1/2024 | Students start to register interest in projects and meet with potential supervisors. Supervisors mark interested students as suitable/unsuitable for projects. |
2/2/2024 | Students should have registered interest in projects, to provide time to meet with prospective supervisors. Supervisors are encouraged to review interested students for suitability at this stage. |
9/2/2024 | Project selection phase ends. It is no longer possible for students to register for new projects. Supervisors have marked all interested students as either suitable or unsuitable. Each student has ranked interesting projects in order of preference and is marked suitable for at least 5 projects. |
12/2/2024 | Project allocation begins. To be completed during the rest of the week. |
23/2/2024 | Project allocation announced to students. |
1/3/2024 | Special cases processed. Deadline for changes to projects and supervisors. |
End of April 2024 | Final IPP Submission; see IPP page. |
beginning of June 2024 | Students start work on MSc projects, based on their IPP. |
July 2024 (TBA) | Stage 2 BoE officially makes progression decisions. |
12/7/2024 | Submission of project progress reports. |
23/8/2024 | Submission of dissertation. |
13/9/2024 | First and second markers complete their project marking. |
16/9/2024 | First and second markers agree a mark for the project, or fail to agree a mark, and the supervisor fills in the agreed (or failure to agree) mark form. |
27/9/2024 | All project moderation complete. |
3/10/2024 | Stage 2 BoE award decisions |
October | Final MSc BoE |
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