Revision resources and advice
Here are resources for revision:
- Comprehension questions on Learn.
- Mock test on Learn in Revision folder.
- The workshop sheets and solutions, from week 4 and 6, which have exercises on sampling, confidence intervals, logistic regression, A/B testing and hypothesis testing.
- If you would like more practice, similar to the workshop sheets, there are exercises at the end of each chapter of Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications - the odd-numbered exercises have answers.
- For extra practice some of the quizzes here may be helpful: Though you may find some things not on our syllabus, and it may be that they use slightly different terminology.
- We will be monitoring Piazza regularly up until the class test.
Here are our suggestions for revision:
- Revise the notes you took in lectures
- Re-read the lecture notes, perhaps taking notes
- Do the sets of comprehension questions available in most topics. For some of the questions there are solutions.
- Look at the summary resource (below), that tries to link together the various aspects of the course up to the end of S1 Week 9.
- Do the questions from the S2 Week 4 and Week 6 workshop sheets.
- Do the mock test on Learn.
- Ask questions on Piazza, and do try to answer each other's questions, which is a valuable way of revising. We will leave posts for around a day to allow time for the students’ answer to develop, and then either endorse or expand on the answer.
Summary resource: overview of FDS S1 Weeks 1 to 9
This table relates the content we've covered in S1 week 1-9 to the data science process introduced in the Week 1 lectures. We've organised the material in to three aspects: methods, ethics and decisions that you need to make as a data scientist. This table is not definitive and it won't be examined - it's one way of looking at the material.
Data Science process | Methods | Ethics | Decisions |
Ask an interesting question |
| Will answering the question affect individuals or groups
Get the data |
Explore the data |
Model the data |
Communicate and visualise the results |
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