NAT-DL: Schedule

Coursework Planner

Overview of all coursework including submission and feedback timing.

Use the coursework calendar file to get all the coursework events in the planner below into your Outlook or Google calendar.

See Late coursework and extension requests for full details of rules and late penalties.

Only the best 7 of the Quizzes will enter the course mark. Quizzes can be submitted any time when they are visible  in Learn. Three attempts are allowed per quiz, except for the first quiz where the number of attempts is not limited.

AssignmentReleasedSubmit ByFeedback ByExtensionsNotes
Main CW Natural Computing
Worth: 40%
Effort: 25 Hours



Thursday 14/11/2024 12:00



(or later for late submissions)


Extensions (3 days) and ETA (7 days). Late penalties apply.


Learn Assignment


Quiz 1
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 27/09/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 2
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 04/10/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 3
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 11/10/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 4
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 18/10/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 5
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 25/10/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 6
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 01/11/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 7
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 08/11/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 8
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 15/11/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 9
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours



Friday 22/11/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz


Quiz 10
Worth: 1%
Effort: 0.5 Hours

11/11/2024 (together 
with Quiz 9)


Friday 22/11/2024 16:00


immediate automatic feedback


No Extensions and no ETAs. Zero mark for late work.


Learn Quiz



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