Week 4

Welcome to the fourth week of the Natural Computing course!

  • Lecture 4p (principal):  Genetic Programming (GP) (slides)
  • Lecture 4s (supplementary)  The No-Free-Lunch theorem and other bits of the theory of metaheuristics (slides)
  • Lecture recordings will be available on Learn
  • Self-study questions (Attempt questions first, then check answers). These questions do not enter the course mark, but they can be useful to check and to deepen your understanding. If needed, the answers can be further discussed in the Q&A sessions.
  • Q&A:  Monday 11am or Wednesdays 3pm (Teams)
  • Coursework: Task description is available now (see Learnrightwards arrowAssessmentrightwards arrowMain Coursework)
  • Please complete Quiz 3 later this week and Quiz 4 by the end of next week (see Learnrightwards arrowAssessmentrightwards arrowQuizzes)
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