SDM: Week 9
Topic: Model driven development and Digital Twins
Model-driven development:
- slides
- video part 1 youtube, video part 2 youtube, video part 1 mediahopper, video part 2 mediahopper.
Q&A/discussion: we will discuss model-driven development...
- Digital Twins - a Computerphile interview with Steffen Zschaler. Gentle introduction, watch this before doing the digital twin reading below.
- Optional: my talk "Is bidirectionality important?" Everything you need to know about bidirectionality for this course is included in this week's lecture. However, if either it went too fast and you were confused, or, you'd like to know more, this (rather gentle-paced) talk might be useful.
- Continuous model-driven engineering a blog post by Garcia (and Cabot, at least he's also an author of the research this blog post is introducing) concerning the integration of agile and model-driven practices (do follow the link and read the research abstract, although of course it overlaps the blog post itself) Quick revision questions
- Towards Model-Driven Digital Twin Engineering: Current Opportunities and Future Challenges by Francis Bordeleau et al., concerning a particularly important application of model-driven development. Quick revision questions
Lots of optional reading this time (some papers that were compulsory in previous years, so you may come across past papers mentioning them).
- Optional: A Hitchhiker's Guide to Model-Driven Engineering for Data-Centric Systems by Benoit Combemale et al.. Quick revision questions
- Optional:Empirical Assessment of MDE in Industry by John Hutchinson, Jon Whittle, Mark Rouncefield, Steinar Kristofferson. Quick revision questions
- Optional: Agile model-driven engineering in mechatronic systems - an industrial case study by Eliasson et al. Quick revision questions
- Optional: Triple Graph Grammars in the Large for Translating Satellite Procedures by Hermann et al.
- Optional: On principles of Least Change and Least Surprise for bidirectional transformations by Cheney et al. (you might like to read pp1-6 for background, unlikely you'll want to read the whole thing!)
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