SDM: Week 7
Topic: More patterns; Principles of dynamic design
Contracts and interaction design:
- slides
- video part 1 youtube, video part 1 mediahopper, video part 2. (Part 2 is only at YT not MediaHopper because of a technical problem.)
Optional: Joshua Bloch on How to Design a Good API and Why it Matters
- Martin Fowler on Command-Query Separation
- Martin Fowler on Fluent Interfaces Optional: Wikipedia entry on fluent interfaces (has interesting language examples, but is a bit long-winded).
- Patterns, this week and next. I recommend trying the exercises before doing the reading.
Browse and google as necessary to grok the patterns: e.g. start here or here. (See the annotated lists in the slides for the patterns you need to know for exam.)
If you prefer a video presentation, there are lots on YouTube: e.g. here is Derek Banas' explanation of the Strategy pattern - he has a whole series and there are many others. Use whatever material you find useful.
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