Welcome to Informatics Open Course Materials

Informatics Open Course Materials is home to most teaching materials for Informatics courses at the University of Edinburgh. You can find a list of courses below, with links to associated pages. These materials are for students enrolled on the courses, other University of Edinburgh students who may be interested in taking one or more of the courses, and for everyone across the globe. This initiative is part of the worldwide OpenCourseWare movement. 

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1INF1A: Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation
1INF1B: Informatics 1 - Object Oriented Programming
1INF1-CG: Informatics 1 - Cognitive Science
2DMP: Discrete Mathematics and Probability
2INF2-FDS: Informatics 2 - Foundations of Data Science
2INF2-IADS: 2023-24
2INF2-SEPP: Informatics 2 - Software Engineering and Professional Practice
2INF2C-CS: Informatics 2C - Introduction to Computer Systems
2INF2D: Informatics 2D - Reasoning and Agents
3EIP: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project
3PI: Professional Issues
3SDM: Software Design and Modelling
OptionalADBS: Advanced Database Systems
OptionalADS: Algorithms and Data Structures
OptionalAGTA: Algorithmic Game Theory and Applications
OptionalANLP: Accelerated Natural Language Processing
OptionalAR: Automated Reasoning
OptionalARO: Advanced Robotics
OptionalASR: Automatic Speech Recognition
OptionalBDL: Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers
OptionalBioinformatics 1
OptionalCARD: Computer Architecture and Design
OptionalCCN: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
OptionalCCS: Computational Cognitive Science
OptionalCDI1: Case Studies in Design Informatics 1
OptionalCGGS: Computer Graphics: Geometry and Simulation
OptionalCGR: Computer Graphics: Rendering
OptionalCIC: Computing in the Classroom
OptionalCNS: Computational Neuroscience
OptionalCOMN: Computer Communications and Networks
OptionalCSAI: Case Studies in AI Ethics (CSAI)
OptionalCT: Compiling Techniques
OptionalData Literacy for Teachers
OptionalDBBA: Data-driven Business and Behaviour Analytics
OptionalDS: Distributed Systems (Level 11)
OptionalEPL: Elements of Programming Languages
OptionalEXC: Extreme Computing
OptionalFNLP: Foundations of Natural Language Processing
OptionalFV: Formal Verification
OptionalHCI: Human-Computer Interaction (Level 11)
OptionalIAML-DL: Introductory Applied Machine Learning
OptionalIAML-PG2: Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Semester 2)
OptionalIMC: Introduction to Modern Cryptography
OptionalIQC: Introduction to Quantum Computing
OptionalIQPS: Introduction to Quantum Programming and Semantics
OptionalITCS: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
OptionalKG: Knowledge Graphs
OptionalMCI: Methods for Causal Inference
OptionalMCS: Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 11)
OptionalMIP1: MInf Project (Part 1)
OptionalMIP2: MInf Project (Part 2)
OptionalMLG: Machine Learning
OptionalMLPR: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
OptionalMLS: Machine Learning Systems
OptionalMLT: Machine Learning Theory
OptionalMOB: Introduction to Mobile Robotics
OptionalMOSS: Modelling of Systems for Sustainability
OptionalNAT-DL: Natural Computing
OptionalNLP-RR: Researching Responsible and Trustworthy Natural Language Processing
OptionalNLU-11: Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Machine Translation
OptionalPBI: Programming for Biomedical Informatics
OptionalPDIOT: Principles and Design of IoT Systems
OptionalPDSS: Programming for Data Science at Scale
OptionalPMR: Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning
OptionalPPLS: Parallel Programming Languages and Systems
OptionalPROJ: Honours Project (Informatics)
OptionalQCS: Quantum Cyber Security
OptionalRA: Randomized Algorithms
OptionalRL: Reinforcement Learning
OptionalSAVM: Simulation, Analysis, and Validation of Computational Models
OptionalSCM: Seminar in Cognitive Modelling
OptionalSCSD: Standards Compliant Software Development
OptionalSDP: System Design Project
OptionalSENG: Security Engineering
OptionalSP: Secure Programming
OptionalST: Software Testing
OptionalTSPL: Types and Semantics for Programming Languages
OptionalTTDS: Text Technologies for Data Science
OptionalUSEC: Usable Security and Privacy
PGAML: Applied Machine Learning
PGDISS: MSc Dissertation (Informatics)
PGIPP: Informatics Project Proposal
PGIRR: Informatics Research Review