1 | INF1A: Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation |
1 | INF1B: Informatics 1 - Object Oriented Programming |
1 | INF1-CG: Informatics 1 - Cognitive Science |
2 | DMP: Discrete Mathematics and Probability |
2 | INF2-FDS: Informatics 2 - Foundations of Data Science |
2 | INF2-IADS: Informatics 2 - Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures |
2 | INF2-SEPP: Informatics 2 - Software Engineering and Professional Practice |
2 | INF2C-CS: Informatics 2C - Introduction to Computer Systems |
2 | INF2D: Informatics 2D - Reasoning and Agents |
3 | EIP: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project |
3 | PI: Professional Issues |
3 | SDM: Software Design and Modelling |
4 | CV: Computer Vision |
Optional | ADBS: Advanced Database Systems |
Optional | ADS: Algorithms and Data Structures |
Optional | AFDS: Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science |
Optional | AGTA: Algorithmic Game Theory and Applications |
Optional | ANLP: Accelerated Natural Language Processing |
Optional | AR: Automated Reasoning |
Optional | ARO: Advanced Robotics |
Optional | ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition |
Optional | BDL: Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers |
Optional | BIO1: Bioinformatics 1 |
Optional | CARD: Computer Architecture and Design |
Optional | CCN: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience |
Optional | CCS: Computational Cognitive Science |
Optional | CDI1: Case Studies in Design Informatics 1 |
Optional | CGGS: Computer Graphics: Geometry and Simulation |
Optional | CGR: Computer Graphics: Rendering |
Optional | CIC: Computing in the Classroom |
Optional | CNS: Computational Neuroscience |
Optional | COMN: Computer Communications and Networks |
Optional | CSAI: Case Studies in AI Ethics (CSAI) |
Optional | CT: Compiling Techniques |
Optional | Data Literacy for Teachers |
Optional | DBBA: Data-driven Business and Behaviour Analytics |
Optional | DS: Distributed Systems (Level 11) |
Optional | EPL: Elements of Programming Languages |
Optional | EXC: Extreme Computing |
Optional | FNLP: Foundations of Natural Language Processing |
Optional | FV: Formal Verification |
Optional | HCI: Human-Computer Interaction (Level 11) |
Optional | IAML-DL: Introductory Applied Machine Learning |
Optional | IAML-PG2: Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Semester 2) |
Optional | IMC: Introduction to Modern Cryptography |
Optional | IQC: Introduction to Quantum Computing |
Optional | IQPS: Introduction to Quantum Programming and Semantics |
Optional | ITCS: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science |
Optional | KG: Knowledge Graphs |
Optional | MCI: Methods for Causal Inference |
Optional | MCS: Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 11) |
Optional | MIP1: MInf Project (Part 1) |
Optional | MIP2: MInf Project (Part 2) |
Optional | MLG: Machine Learning |
Optional | MLPR: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition |
Optional | MLS: Machine Learning Systems |
Optional | MLT: Machine Learning Theory |
Optional | MOB: Introduction to Mobile Robotics |
Optional | MOSS: Modelling of Systems for Sustainability |
Optional | NAT-DL: Natural Computing |
Optional | NLP-RR: Researching Responsible and Trustworthy Natural Language Processing |
Optional | NLU-11: Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Machine Translation |
Optional | PBI: Programming for Biomedical Informatics |
Optional | PDIOT: Principles and Design of IoT Systems |
Optional | PDSS: Programming for Data Science at Scale |
Optional | PMR: Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning |
Optional | PPLS: Parallel Programming Languages and Systems |
Optional | PROJ: Honours Project (Informatics) |
Optional | QCS: Quantum Cyber Security |
Optional | RA: Randomized Algorithms |
Optional | RL: Reinforcement Learning |
Optional | SAVM: Simulation, Analysis, and Validation of Computational Models |
Optional | SCM: Seminar in Cognitive Modelling |
Optional | SCSD: Standards Compliant Software Development |
Optional | SDP: System Design Project |
Optional | SENG: Security Engineering |
Optional | SP: Secure Programming |
Optional | ST: Software Testing |
Optional | THF: The Human Factor |
Optional | TSPL: Types and Semantics for Programming Languages |
Optional | TTDS: Text Technologies for Data Science |
Optional | USEC: Usable Security and Privacy |
PG | AML: Applied Machine Learning |
PG | DISS: MSc Dissertation (Informatics) |
PG | IPP: Informatics Project Proposal |
PG | IRR: Informatics Research Review |