INF1-CG: Week 4


Your major tasks and deadlines this week are:

  • Do Quiz 2, which will be issued on Friday and is due on Tuesday 11 February at 12:00 noon.
  • Attend lectures 9, 10, and 11.
  • Attend your tutorial group. Make sure to first attempt the Questions for Tutorial 3 on your own.
  • Attend one of the drop-in labs.
  • Read the readings for this week.
  • Start preparing for Tutorial 4, which will happen next week.
  • If you need help with the course material, attend one of the office hours, which start this week.


0904 FebBayesian Modeling
1006 FebWord Learning
1107 FebVector Semantics

All lectures will be livestreamed and recorded on Echo Video. You may have to log on through Learn before this link works.


The links below direct you to the University Library or to Piazza. You will need to log on to access the full text.

Readings come in two flavours: required and recommended.

Griffiths et al. 2010Probabilistic models of cognition: exploring representations and inductive biasesRequired
Piantadosi, Tenenbaum, Goodman 2012 Bootstrapping in a language of thought: A formal model of numerical concept learningRecommended
Smith & Yu 2008Infants rapidly learn word-referent mappings via cross-situational statisticsRecommended
Mikolov et al 2013Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector SpaceRecommended


To access the assignments, please login in through Learn, and then go the link “Notable LTI 1.2”.


To access the quizzes, please login in through Learn, and then go the link “Gradescope”.


Please attempt to answer the Questions for Tutorial 3. These will be discussed in the tutorial sessions this week.


Please attend one of the drop-in lab sessions this week. The labs are designed to help with the assignments, and you can ask the lab demonstrator if anything is unclear with Assignment 1.

To access the lab notebooks, please login in through Learn, and then go the link “Notable LTI 1.2”.


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