INF1-CG: Tutorials
Tutorials are one-hour small-group sessions led by a tutor:
- tutorials will take place in person;
- tutorials start in week 2 and the last session is in week 10;
- if you have not been assigned a tutorial group, please contact Kendal Reid, the course secretary;
- if you have been assigned a tutorial group that clashes with one of your other courses, please fill in a group change request;
- if you are unable to attend your usual tutorial group as a one-off, feel free to attend another group that week; see the course timetable for days/times of groups;
- tutorials cover the material from the lectures;
- they help you practice and apply this material, allow you to discuss and ask questions;
- a question sheet is issued for each week; please prepare for the tutorial by working through this sheet.
No | Week | Tutorial Questions | Additional Material | Solutions |
1 | W2 | Tutorial 1: Words and Rules | Solutions for Tutorial 1 | |
2 | W3 | Tutorial 2: Perceptrons and Backpropagation | Spreadsheet | |
3 | W4 | Tutorial 3: Word Segmentation and Minimum Description Length | Solutions for Tutorial 3 | |
4 | W5 | Tutorial 4: Bayesian Modeling and Word Learning | Python Code to Compute Prior | Solutions for Tutorial 4 |
5 | W6 | Tutorial 5: Categories and Decision Making | Solutions for Tutorial 5 | |
6 | W7 | Tutorial 6: A Cognitive Neuroscience Research Paper | Paper | Solutions for Tutorial 6 |
7 | W8 | Tutorial 7: Sensory Systems | Solutions for Tutorial 7 | |
8 | W9 | Tutorial 8: From Sensory Information to Concepts | Paper, Blog, Video | Solutions for Tutorial 8 |
9 | W10 | Tutorial 9: Memory Systems | Solutions for Tutorial 9 |
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