INF2-FDS: S2 Week 6 Workshop - logistic regression, hypothesis testing, and A/B testing

We're looking forward to seeing you at the S2 Week 6 workshops to discuss the problems we set on logistic regression, hypothesis testing and A/B testing. If you've not found it already, the task was released last week. Ideally you'd have prepared for the workshop - but if not it's still worth attending to discuss how to approach the problems.

We're giving solutions for the problems before the workshop, but we strongly suggest you don't look at them until you've tried the problems for yourself.

  • If you've done the exercises before the workshop, we suggest that you spend the time in the workshop discussing with other students who've done the exercises if your solutions are right and comparing them with the solutions. As an extension activity we then suggest you look at the report by the Minecraft Speedrunning team and the Discussion on Andrew Gelman's blog. Do you think the official report, or the one commissioned by Dream was more correct?
  • If you've not done the exercises before the workshop, we suggest that you spend the time in the workshop with other students who are still working through them.
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