INF2D: Week 4: Propositional Inference, First-Order Logic, Unification

We continue our study of propositional logic with a look at 2 algorithms for propositional inference, DPLL and WalkSAT:
10: Effective Propositional Inference.

We extend to a new, more expressive logic: First-Order Logic (FOL). We start with the definition of the logic, describing its syntax and semantics in:
11: First-Order Logic

We then start exploring ways of performing inference. We explore propositionalization, unfication and generalised modus ponens in:
12: Unification and Generalised Modus Ponens.

Each of the above three items in this folder includes lecture slides, required reading, and a small quiz for each lecture . There will also be a tutorial with exercises on this material next week.

If there is anything you don't understand, then you can: 

  1. Ask during the lecture (including on stream!);
  2. Post a question on Piazza;
  3. Ask your tutor.
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