INF2D: Week 3: Revision, CW1 and Logical Agents
We will start the week by completing our review of search strategies with a discussion of competitive environments, in which the goals of the agents are in conflict.
7: Adversarial Search
Ameer Saadat-Yazdi (our TA) and the lecturers will introduce the first coursework. We will also have a revision lecture on Search.
8: CW1_Introduction + Revision
At the end of the week, we change the focus of our study to a different type of agents, logical agents. We start by presenting knowledge-based agents and then we focus on a first language used for developing such systems, propositional logic. We recall some concepts related to logics in general and then we look at the syntax and the semantics of propositional logic:
9: Logical Agents
Each of the above three items in this folder includes lecture slides, required reading, and a small quiz for each lecture . There will also be a tutorial with exercises on this material next week.
If there is anything you don't understand, then you can:
- Ask during the lecture (including on stream!);
- Post a question on Piazza;
- Ask your tutor.