NAT-DL: Assessment

Assessment details, important dates, where to find feedback, and other assessment information.

Assessment Description


Assessment Type

Percentage of Final Mark

Written exam




Practical exam



Exams are added to your calendar automatically, but you can also view them in the Exam Web Timetable (Opens in a new window).

Additional Assessment Information

The coursework consists of 10 weekly on-line quizzes, 10% in total. There is one major piece of CW requiring you to perform specified tasks using a set of algorithms, and to present the results in written reports. The report is marked and is worth 40%.
You should expect to spend approximately 25 hours on the coursework for this course.

Students will get formative feedback through weekly tests via automatic evaluation of test questions, and the VLE's online discussion forum.
The tutors will give feedback on the 5 non-assessed drill exercises. Summative feedback will occur through written feedback on the assignment and the exams. The assignment will also be prepared and evaluated in the inverse class room meetings.
Additionally, we will monitor class issues through the use of a class student representative, and also occasional SurveyMonkey (or equivalent) polls.
Engagement of students with the course will be tracked continuously and compared to patterns that are reported in the online education literature.

Feedback and Grades

Feedback on quizzes will be given automatically upon submission of each quiz and in the Q&A sessions. Feedback on the coursework reports will be given via the Learn course work submission page (page will be available by the end of October).

Please be aware that grades located within Learn are provisional until these have been confirmed by the exam board, at which point they will be available via EUCLID.

Marking Scheme

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