NAT-DL: Own Work Declaration

By submitting your assignments for this course, you confirm that it is your own work in accordance with the University’s code of conduct and regulations.

Declaration of Own Work 

By submitting your assignments for this course, you confirm that it is your own work in accordance with the University’s code of conduct and regulations: Student Conduct and Assessment regulations

 You confirm that all submitted work is your own except where indicated, and that you:  

  1. Have read and understood the University’s regulations in relation to academic misconduct
  2. Where appropriate to the style of assessment:  
    1. clearly referenced/listed all sources;
    2. referenced and appropriately indicated all quoted text (from books, web, etc), making appropriate use of quotation marks;
    3. given the sources of all pictures, data, etc., that were not your own;  
  3. Not communicated with other students about work either electronically or by word or sign, nor let work be seen by any other student;  
  4. Not made any use of the course work assessment material of any other student(s) either past or present;  
  5. Not submitted for assessment work previously submitted for this or any other course, degree or qualification;  
  6. Not incorporated any work from or used the help of any external professional agencies, except, where appropriate to the style of assessment, extracts from attributed sources;  
  7. Compiled with all requirements specified on the examination paper and in the course and programme handbooks;  
  8. Understand that the University of Edinburgh and TurnitinUK may make an electronic copy of your submitted work for assessment, similarity reporting and archiving purposes;  
  9. Understand that it is a breach of the Code of Student Conduct for any student knowingly:
    1. to make use of unfair means in any University examination;  
    2. to assist a student to make use of such unfair means;  
    3. to do anything prejudicial to the good conduct of the examination; or  
    4. to impersonate another student or allow another student to impersonate him/her;  
  10. Understand that cheating is an extremely serious offence, and any student found by the University to have cheated or attempted to cheat in an examination may be deemed to have failed that examination or the entire diet of examinations, or be subject to such penalty as the University considers appropriate.  

 For further guidance on plagiarism, you can:  



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