INF2D: Week 5: Resolution, Situation Calculus, Revision
This week, we continue our study of first-order logic with a look at algorithms for inference. We specifically focus on forward and backward chaining and resolution:
13: Resolution
We then expand our discussion to the design of logical agents that are good at planning their actions for achieving a certain goal. We will focus on a fragment of First-Order Logic called Situation Calculus, which is appropriate for reasoning about the results of actions, and we are going to address the Frame Problem:
14: Situation Calculus
We will conclude the first half of Inf2D with a review lecture of what we have learned so far and how to solve sample exercises:
15: Revision + Q&A
If there is anything you don't understand, then you can:
- Ask during the lecture;
- Post a question on Piazza;
- Ask your tutor.
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