INF2D: 18: Planning and Acting in the Real World I

So far, we have focussed entirely on classical planning problems: the planning agent has sensors that makes the state it's in fully obesrvable, and all the actions it executes have deterministic outcomes (meaning that when it executes the action in a given state, there is only one possible resulting state).  The real world doesn't work like that!  So now we are going to start the (long) process of gradually relaxing these highly idealised assumptions.

This folder consists of:

  • three videos of short lectures.  They cover:
    1. An introduction planning in the real world
    2. Representing beliefs and sensorless planning
    3. Contingent Planning
  • Some required reading from Russell and Norvig
  • A quiz that tests your understanding of the material presented here.

A quiz that tests your understanding of the material presented here.

Please watch the videos or attend the in-persion lecture, do the required reading, and attempt the quiz.  If there is anything you don't understand, then please ask your question at the lecture or post it on piazza.

Lecture 18 Slides:


Required Reading

R&N Sections 11.3, 4.3  or NIE Chapter (11) "Planning and Acting in the Real World", Section 3 and Chapter (4) "Beyond Classical Search", Section 3.

NOTE: The abbreviation R&N refers to:

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Prentice Hall, 2010 (R&N).

The abbreviation NIE stands for the following edition of the same book:

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Pearson New International Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Pearson, 2014.

Quiz 18: Planning and acting in the real world I

These questions are designed to test your understanding of the above course content; doing this quiz does not contribute to your overall grade.  Some questions require a text answer.  You can ask for formative feedback on these from your tutor or on piazza.  Other questions are multiple choice or they require a numeric answer: you will get immediate feedback for these. Please don't attempt this quiz until you have acquainted yourself with this lecture and the required reading.

You must be logged onto Learn to do this quiz.

Videos recorded by Prof. Alex Lascarides

18a: Planning and acting in the real world: Introduction

18a slides: 18a.pdf 
18a video:

18b: Planning and acting in the real world: beliefs and sensorless planning

18b slides: 18b.pdf 
18b video:

18c: Planning and acting in the real world: Contingent Planning

18c slides: 18c.pdf 
18c video:


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