INF2D: 11: First-Order Logic

11: First-Order Logic




  1. A discussion on why we need another logic besides propositional logic.
  2. The definition of First-Order Logic: syntax, semantics.
  3. A discussion of examples using FOL to describe a domain.

Required Reading

R&N Chapter 8 or NIE Chapter (8) "First-Order Logic".
NOTE: The abbreviation R&N refers to :
“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Prentice Hall, 2010 (R&N).
The abbreviation NIE stands for the following edition of the same book:
“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Pearson New International Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Pearson, 2014.

Quiz: First-Order Logic

These questions are designed to test your understanding of the course content in Lecture 10; doing this quiz does not contribute to your overall grade, but we can give some formative feedback. This quiz requires that you have gone through Lecture 10 and done the required reading.  Some of the questions require a short text answer.  You can ask for formative feedback from your tutor or on piazza.

Quiz: Inference in First-Order Logic

These questions are designed to test your understanding of the course content in Lectures 10; doing this quiz does not contribute to your overall grade, but we can give some formative feedback. This quiz requires that you have gone through Lecture 10 and done the required reading.  Some of the questions require a short text answer.  You can ask for formative feedback from your tutor or on piazza.

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