INF2D: 4: Informed Search Algorithms
4: Informed Search Algorithms
- The characterization of best-first search algorithms and a presentation of the greedy search.
- A presentation of the A* search algorithm.
- A story of admissible heuristics and where to find them.
Required Reading
R&N Sections 3.5–3.6 or NIE Chapter (3) "Solving Problems by Searching", Sections 5–6.
NOTE: The abbreviation R&N refers to :
“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Prentice Hall, 2010 (R&N).
The abbreviation NIE stands for the following edition of the same book:
“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach” Third Edition, Pearson New International Edition, Russell R & Norvig P, Pearson, 2014.
Quiz: Informed Search Algorithms
These questions are designed to test your understanding of the course content in Lecture 4; doing this quiz does not contribute to your overall grade, but we can give some formative feedback. This quiz requires that you have gone through Lecture 4 and done the required reading. Some of the questions require a short text answer. You can ask for formative feedback for these from your tutor or on piazza.
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