SDM: Week 5 Lab / Exercise
Week 5 Lab / Exercise
In 2023 my project student Iona Cooper developed a revision tool to help students prepare for the SDM lab assessment, allowing you to test yourself against previous lab assessment questions. It proved popular, and is still available - feel free to have a go! Link:
NB experience of students using the tool is showing up, not entirely unexpectedly, that there are some inconsistencies, e.g. places where the feedback the tool says an answer got is not exactly what you'd expect. This is partly because of issues in the way I cleaned the data before passing it over to Iona and partly because as a marker I wasn't perfectly consistent, e.g., I might not put every applicable feedback comment on every answer.
You may wish to have a go at the lab assessments used in previous presentations of this course.
- 2024: The exercise and the youtube playlist of solutions and notes on part C
- 2023: The exercise and the youtube playlist of solutions and notes on part C
- [none in 2022 because 2021 was autumn semester in academic year 2021/22, and 23 was spring semester in 2022/23 !]
- 2021: The exercise
- [none in 2020 because the course was suspended in the first year of the pandemic]
- 2019: The exercise - here is the
- 2018: The exercise - here are the and that were provided, and the youtube playlist of videos of me doing parts A and B
- [none in 2017 because I was on sabbatical and the course didn't run]
- 2016: See the week 6 entry in the 2016 schedule page for the paper and necessary files, and the videos on the Media Hopper channel for samples of how to do the questions, though NB it is possible that tool details may have changed in the meantime.
This year's lab assessment will be similar in style (but I would not ask you to use Papyrus because this year you haven't yet).
If you are already confident with the material of the labs so far, you might prefer to have a go at the Borg lab used in week 5 of 2016 - but that goes beyond what I will examine, and moreover has not been updated, so approach with caution.