RL: Lecture Schedule

Note: See the "Coding Proficiency Self-Check" below for details about programming requirements.

Lecture times and location:

  • Tuesdays and Fridays, 14.10–15.00
  • Appleton Tower Lecture Theatre 1

Lecture slides are linked in the table below. Slides may be updated, and the new slides will be uploaded at least 24h before the lecture time.

The course follows the 2nd-edition RL book by Richard Sutton and Andrew Barto, which can be downloaded for free here. Required reading from the RL book for each lecture is given in the last slide of the lecture and in the table below.

WeekDateTopic (slides)Required Reading
116 January '24IntroductionCh. 1 (1.1–1.4); Coding Proficiency Self-Check
19 January '24Multi-armed banditsCh. 2 (2.1–2.8)
223 January '24Markov decision processesCh. 3 (3.1–3.7)
26 January '24Dynamic programmingCh. 4 (4.1–4.7)
330 January '24Monte Carlo methodsCh. 5 (5.1–5.7)
02 February '24Temporal-difference learningCh. 6 (6.1–6.2, 6.4–6.6), Ch. 7 (7.1–7.3)
406 February '24Planning and learningCh. 8 (8.1–8.3, 8.10–8.11)
09 February '24Tutorial lecture: building a complete RL systemDemo code
513 February '24Coursework introductionCoursework
16 February '24Value function approximationCh. 9 (9.1–9.5), Ch. 10 (10.1), Ch. 11 (11.1)
Flexible learning week (no lectures)
627 February '24Policy gradient methodsCh. 13 (13.1–13.5)
01 March '24Deep reinforcement learning ITopics not examined
705 March '24Deep reinforcement learning II
08 March '24Multi-agent reinforcement learning I
812 March '24
(last lecture)
Multi-agent reinforcement learning II

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