ARO: Lectures

Last year's slides are available here. Please be aware that the content is likely to change this year, especially regarding the dynamics lecture.


Lecture Plan. 

WeekDatelecture notesLecturerLecture topic    
9  Steve Tonneau 
8  Subramanian Ramamoorthy  
7  Steve Tonneau 
6  Subramanian Ramamoorthy  
5  Subramanian Ramamoorthy  

Monday Lecture

Motion planning 1
Motion planning 2

Steve Tonneau

Potential fields

Sampling-based planning


Monday Lecture

Forward and inverse 

Steve Tonneau 

Tuesday lecture:


written notes


Monday lecture:

forward geometry

Steve Tonneau

Tuesday lecture:

Building a map for 3D rotations

note: in the written notes the very
last line is not captured, it describes
the conjugate of a quaternion (link).


Monday lecture:

Rotations, placements, joint maps
and forward geometry


Tuesday lecture:

Least square optimisation

Link to lecture code

Monday lecture:

Intro slides

Overview slides

Hands-on slides

Subramanian Ramamoorthy /  
Steve Tonneau

Tuesday lecture:

Introduction to unconstrained 

Monday lecture:

Course introduction
Overview of the robotics field
Hands on overview




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