IQC: Schedule

Reading references acronyms:

NC: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, M. Nielsen & I. Chuang, CUP (2000).  
RdW: Quantum Computing Lecture Notes, Ronald de Wolf
G: Introduction to Quantum Computation, Sevag Gharibian, Lectures notes lin
NEM: Non-examinable material

Use this link to access the lecture files if not in the schedule below

WeekDateLecture #LecturerTopicReading
117 Sept 241.PetrosIntroduction to IQC  
Lecture slides
18 Sept 242.RaulPostulate I: Quantum States 
Lecture slides 
NC 1.2, 2.1.1-2.1.4
19 Sept 243.RaulPostulate II: Quantum Operations 
Lecture slides
Basis and linear independence NC 2.1.1; 
Linear operators and matrices NC 2.1.2 
Single qubits gates NC 1.3.1 and NC 4.2.
224 Sept. 244.RaulPostulate III: Measurement 
Lecture slides
NC 2.2.3 and 2.2.5. 
Varies Tutorial 0 Complex numbers and linear algebra 
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions 
25 Sept. 245.RaulPostulate IV: Systems composition 
Lecture slides
Tensor product NC 2.1.7 
Outer-product NC 2.1.4 page 67
26 Sept. 246.RaulQuantum Circuit Model
Lecture slides
31 Oct. 247.RaulPhase Kick-back and Deutsch-Jozsa
Lecture slides
Deutsch-Jozsa NC 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 
Phase kick-back RdW 2.4.1 and G 7.1-7.4
Varies Tutorial 1 Operations and measurements  
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions 
2 Oct. 248.ChrisPennylane: gates and states
Lecture slides
Jupyter notebook, answers
3 Oct. 249.RaulBernstein-Vazirani algorithm
Lecture slides
Bernstein-Vazirani NC 1.4.3 RdW 2.4.2 and G 7.5 
Grover: NC 6.1 RdW 7.1-7.2 and G 11.1-11.2
48 Oct. 2410.RaulProjectors and Partial Measurement
Lecture slides
Varies Tutorial 2 System composition and Measurement 
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions   
9 Oct. 2411.ChrisPennylane: circuits and teleportation
Lecture slides
Jupyter notebook, answers
10 Oct. 2412.RaulGrover algorithm  
Lecture slides
Grover: NC 6.1 RdW 7.1-7.2 and G 11.1-11.2
515 Oct. 2413.RaulSimon's Algorithm  
Lecture slides
Simon:  NC 1.4.3 RdW 3 and G 8
 VariesTutorial 3 Phase kickback, Deutsch-Jozsa and Bernstein-Vazirani  
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions
16 Oct. 2414.ChrisPennylane: Oracles and promises
Lecture slides
Jupyter notebook, answers
17 Oct. 2415.RaulParity Check and Swap Test 
Lecture slides
622 Oct. 24 16.RaulHadamard Test
Lecture slides

VariesTutorial 4 Grover and Simon algorithm  
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions
23 Oct. 2417.ChrisPennylane: Grover
Lecture slides
Jupyter notebook, answers
23 Oct. 24  

Assignment released (due on Friday 8th November)

Jupyter notebook, image 1, image 2

24 Oct. 2418.RaulQuantum Fourier Transform 
Lecture slides
Quantum Fourier Transform: NC 5.1 
Additional references: RdW Ch4, G Ch9
729 Oct. 2419.Raul

Quantum Phase Estimation 
Lecture slides

Phase estimation: NC 5.2 
Approximation with error: NC 5.2.1 (NEM) 
Additional references RdW Ch4, G Ch9 
Order finding and factoring NC 5.3, RdW Ch5, G Ch10
Varies Tutorial 5 Hadamard Test, QFT, QPE     
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions
30 Oct. 2420.ChrisPennylane: Quantum Fourier Transform
Lecture slides
Jupyter notebook, answers
31 Oct. 2421.Petros

Variational Quantum Algorithms I

Lecture slides

For further reading see review papers at the last slide
85 Nov. 24 22.Petros 

Variational Quantum Algorithms II

Lecture slides

For further reading see review papers at the last slide
Varies Tutorial 6 Variational Quantum Algorithms
Tutorial questions
Tutorial solutions  
6 Nov. 2423.Petros

Measurement-Based Quantum Computing I

Lecture slides

7 Nov. 2424.Petros


Lecture slides

8 Nov. 24  

Assignment due @ 12:00 Friday 8th November

Submission at Learn

912 Nov. 2425.Joschka

Quantum Error Correction: Intro and basics

Lecture slides

Varies Tutorial 7 


Tutorial questions

Tutorial solutions

13 Nov. 2426.PetrosMBQC III (Application): Blind Quantum Computing
Lecture slides
14 Nov. 2427.Petros

Quantum Machine Learning

Lecture slides

1019 Nov. 24 28. Joschka

QECC: Stabilisers

Lecture slides 

 Varies Tutorial 8 


Tutorial questions

Tutorial solutions

20 Nov. 2429.Joschka

QECC: surface codes

Lecture slides

21 Nov. 2430.PetrosRevision for Exam
Revision slides


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